Monday, July 30, 2007

2 weeks!

it´s crazy to think that i have already been here for 2 weeks! thank you so much everyone that has left comments and means so much to me to read what all of you have to say...and everyone is so encouraging!

as most of you know these last couple of days have been kinda crazy with everything happening with my mammaw...but i know that so many people have been praying for me and it really makes a difference! it was a hard decision to stay here in bolivia that i probably wouldnt have made if it wasnt for my wonderful parents, family, and friends encouraging me to really seek what the Lord wants me to do. i have decided to stay and these past 2 days i have really gotten a peace about it all. it still isnt easy being here and all of my family being home with my grandmother but it is okay...i know the Lord isn´t quite ready for me to leave bolivia yet. so thank you everyone who has been praying for me and has told other people to pray for me!

the past couple of days i have really been spending a lot of time at the orphanage in villa israel which is about an hour away from our hacienda. it is the orphanage that is newer and has 4 brothers living in it. the house parents are having a difficult time with the boys....considering they have always raised themselves until the last 2 weeks and the parents have actually decided to leave. they gave mike a 3 day notice which is really difficult to find new house parents for the four boys who are finally starting to get adapted to their new lives. an answer to pray mike thinks he might have found a couple that can start in about a week or so and a couple to possibly stay there temporarily until the other couple can come. so please be in prayer for that. the boys are a handful but they have never really had parents and have never gone to school plus they are little boys so they would be a handful no matter what! but we have found they all they really need is some attention and love. when we put them in our laps and love on them they are pretty good! today the house mom made lunch for us and it was quite most of you know i am a picky was soup with some mysterious things in thing looked like grapes with the skin peeled off and dyed black....we asked her what is was but when she explained it we really had no idea what she was talking about! this afternoon we went to the center to play with the kids there and i was able to talk with the wife of the man who runs the center for a while in spanish about our families so that was pretty cool!

wednesday we are suppose to be leaving for the jungle for one week! i am excited but kinda nervous about that.....we are mainly going to be doing construction so it will be hard work all day with little sleep so please pray that the Lord will give us strength each day and that we will be able to get a lot done in building the next orphanages!

i will update again as soon as possible! thank you so much for all of your encouragement for myself and my family during this time i really appreciate it! sorry i am rambling´s hard to get all of my thoughts together really quick!

bendiciones (blessings),

Monday, July 23, 2007


hey everyone! thank you so much for all of the encouragement and prayers it really means so much to me to know that i have so many people supporting me here in bolivia! everything is going really well right now! saturday was my favorite day so far...we went to mt. tunari the highest point in chochabamba to the san miguel felt like we were at the end of the earth where we were...the area was beautiful just like the people. we watched them chop up their lamas for meat and get their wool to sell. the people there speak ketucha and there was one man in the village that knew spanish so we would have someone speaking in english someone translate that to spanish and then the man translate that to ketchua it was so surreal sitting in the little clay house with all kinds of people, madres nursing their babies, people holding baby lambs, little kids was amazing..i´m pretty sure those people had never seen a puppet show so it was cool to see their response to that! after we left tunari we went to the town zocalo, square..and did baby washing. i really enjoyed that also... we had a tent set up and they would bring in about 3 babies at a time and we had big basins we would sit them in pour water all over them, lather them up , then rinse off! we had to take turns doing that so after my turn was over i got to brush the little girls hair and braid it.
the timmers are an amazing family...bonnie has already cooked dinner for us 2 different nights and had us over to their house to eat so that has been nice. i have really grown close to their two oldest daughters that are still here..mallory and sidney.. sunday after going to the cristo with the team that is here we had the afternoon free so another intern joli, myself, sidney, and mallory went to go see a was a lot of fun and really relaxing. the whole timmer family is just an encouragement with their testimonies of coming to bolivia and the process of adopting their bolivian daughter gracie. i look up to each of them for how they have allowed the lord to transform their lives.
i finally got my luggage today which is a huge answer to soon as i got it i changed nice! i have really enjoyed the other interns too...right now there is 15 of us staying at the´s kinda like the real world missionary style! last night we cooked dinner for the team that is here and all sat by a fire talking and eating. sadly enough 8 of the 15 are leaving in the next week. but all of them are really cool and i have enjoyed getting to hear their testimonies and their hearts.
once again thanks for the prayers everyone! i´m not sure what all we are doing this we went to the center which a after school program that is christian based and played with the children...i think tomorrow we are going to the orphanages that are already complete and hanging out with the kids there! hopefully i will be able to get on again soon...but just incase i can´t email my mom at and tell her you want to be on the list of email updates and prayer requests that she sends out for me!
some prayer requests for right of the interns ashley has an infected ankle from a bug bite..the doctor said that if it gets worse she will have to go the clinic and here if you go to the clinic you have to check in over night! they gave her some medicine so pray she will be healed. also mrs. bonnie´s mom is having tests and surgery this´s really hard on here to be in here in bolivia and her mom in the states having an operation so pray for her mom but also for mrs. bonnie. the team here from south carolina left tonight so travel mercies for them and the team from minnesota is leaving wednesday...also the other interns leaving this week! for me just pray that i will allow the lord to use me in any way that he wants to and that i will just be able to use my spanish and understand it effectively to talk with the people here in bolivia!
thank you so much again and i love each of you!
hasta luego,

Friday, July 20, 2007

here and safe!

i arrived in chochabamba around 8 am on wednesday morning after going through some craziness in the airport however my luggage didnt make it. mr. mike took me to the hacienda where i showered and fortunately had an extra tee shirt in my carry on to put was freezing so i borrowed a sweat shirt to wear and sweat pants to sleep in from the closet that is for donation clothes. he picked me up around 11 and with two of his daughters we headed to the zhapari jungle...we drove for about 4 hours and stopped to see on group of interns that were working on an orphanage there was about 6 of them and then we drove another 2 hours to where the team from south carolina and 5 other interns were working. we stayed at a hostal that night and then woke up early the next morning and worked until 11 pm on concreting a new home they are building next to a baptist church. the orphanages that the timmers build and run here and home with house parents that have been partnered up with a church that have 8-10 children in them so far there are two up and going and two in the process of being built. thursday while we were working during our breaks we would play with the kids..mainly soccer...that night i spent the night in the church with the other interns while the team went back to the hostal. we slept in hammocks they had hanging was pretty interesting i must say. we drove back which took the whole day pretty much. now all of the interns and team is staying at the hacienda. i still havent been havent been able to get my luggage so please pray that we can go get it and that it will have arrived soon...wearing the same clothes for 3 days gets pretty old. also please pray for strength it´s very different to be considered an intern rather than with my church group...a lot more independence and work! it´s all good though. i miss everyone very much and already can´t wait to share some of my experiences with you personally. thank you everyone who wrote me a letter it has meant so much to be able to read those and also the scripture that several people of given me has been so encouraging!
love ya´ll

Monday, July 16, 2007


Well tomorrow (tuesday) is the big day! I am so excited that God is going to allow me to be part of His work in Bolivia for the next 5 weeks. The past couple of days have been busy getting everything ready but finally stuff is starting to go in the suitcase and i've confirmed my airplane tickets. i'm actually going to go! :)

Please continue to be in prayer over the next five weeks for the trip. You can pray that tomorrow everything will go smoothly...i'm most nervous about getting there rather than being there. I will go through 4 different airports and I am nervous about finding all of the right gates and getting my luggage..getting through customs..and so on. So please pray that the Lord will calm my heart as I travel and that it will all be okay. While I am over there you can pray that I will allow the Lord to use me in any way possible, that I will get rest and have energy to do my best the whole time, and that the Lord will speak through me to everyone I come in contact with. Also please pray for comfort for my family and friends as I travel and that they can continue to trust the Lord with everything.

I'm not sure how often I will be able to get online and update this or how often I will be able to call home...When I can though I will make sure to write on here so check it and leave comments! Also my mom has a list of email addresses that I gave her so that if I can't get online she can send out an email to people about what all is going on! THANKS again to everyone for being prayer warriors for me and for all of the encouragement everyone has given me! I can't wait to see what all God is going to be doing in Bolivia and what all He will teach me while I am there!
