Monday, June 25, 2007

Back from Brazil and ready for Bolivia!

We got back from Brazil on Sunday afternoon. It was a great trip and I was so proud of all of the youth that went...they really stepped up and worked hard. I mainly worked the backyard bible clubs with the youth everyday but I also had a chance to go evangelizing door to door one afternoon and then work in the medical clinic one morning. The Lord really used everyone on the trip to work for His kingdom.
Everything is all set to go to Bolivia...all of the paperwork is done and now I just have to prepare myself to go! I still have a lot going on before July 17 but I am resting as much as possible so that way I can give it my all once I arrive in Cochabamba! Please pray for me to stay healthy and get plenty of rest. Thanks again to everyone who is reading this and also thank you everyone for all of the encouragement and prayers!
For His Glory and With Love,

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