We got back from Brazil on Sunday afternoon. It was a great trip and I was so proud of all of the youth that went...they really stepped up and worked hard. I mainly worked the backyard bible clubs with the youth everyday but I also had a chance to go evangelizing door to door one afternoon and then work in the medical clinic one morning. The Lord really used everyone on the trip to work for His kingdom.
Everything is all set to go to Bolivia...all of the paperwork is done and now I just have to prepare myself to go! I still have a lot going on before July 17 but I am resting as much as possible so that way I can give it my all once I arrive in Cochabamba! Please pray for me to stay healthy and get plenty of rest. Thanks again to everyone who is reading this and also thank you everyone for all of the encouragement and prayers!
For His Glory and With Love,
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
It's all coming together!
I can't believe that it is already June and Bolivia is only about a month away....it seems like yesterday I was thinking it would be impossible to go this summer! However, it is approaching fast and a lot is going on. My passport came in on Friday which is a huge answer to prayer..we are sending it off for a visa tomorrow so hopefully it will get here soon! Lately I have been busy with getting ready for my trip to Brazil with my home church in Clarksville, we are leaving on Friday June 15th so if everyone can keep us in your prayers next week that would be great. There is a medical team going and a youth team. Mom and I are part of the youth team...we will be putting on backyard bible clubs two times a day for all ages and at night having worship. I know that the Lord is going to do amazing things in Brazil, I can't wait to let everyone hear about it! Joel (the youth minister at First Baptist) has asked all of the youth team to be reading through this book by Kim P. Davis called "My Life His Mission" and it derives from the book by Beth Moore "Voices of the Faithful"...both are great books that I recommend to everyone especially someone preparing for a mission trip. Anyways in the book it talks about different emotions and things you will face as you prepare for a mission trip and it is interesting to see how right on the book is with what I have been going through. One of the chapters in the book is about creating a prayer support network which hopefully is all of you reading! It gives a list of different ways to have family and friends pray for you and I really liked them so I am going to list them...1. Pray that God will glorify Himself through the ministry I will be doing. 2. Pray for opportunities to share my faith. 3. Pray for boldness as I witness. 4. Pray for God to prepare the hearts of the people I will encounter. 5. Pray for my cultural sensitivity and understanding. 6. Pray for my relationship with my supervisor. 7.Pray for team unity (with the other interns that will be there). 8. Pray for my relationships with nationals. 9. Pray for safety in travel and health on the field. 10. Pray for humility and a flexible spirit. 11. Pray for protection from loneliness, homesickness, and depression. 12. Pray for peace of mind for my family and friends. 13. Pray that God will use my mission experience to create a passion in me for missions. I am going to add some of my own too...pray that I will be able to get the needed amount of rest before I leave and also that I will have energy to get everything done. Please continue to pray that all of the paperwork and my visa will be in on time. Pray that as satan begins to attack my heart that I will be able to keep studying God's word and spend time with Him! THANK YOU EVERYONE for reading this and mainly for praying for me I really appreciate it! Leave comments or if you want to email me you can at carriebeth87@aol.com... I hope that all of ya'll are having a great summer! With Love and For His Glory- CARRiE
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